Drug Screen/Breath Alcohol Collection

Drug Screen/Breath Alcohol Collection Site – Complete a Company setup form or send your collection protocol to f. 541.677.7478 or email to occuhealth@efmpc.com to get set up for collections today. FormFox eCCF processing available.

In-House MRO John Powell, MD, MRO AAMRO #131208143
Federally Regulated (DOT) Testing
Certified DOT Urine Collectors certified by Alcopro
Certified Breath Alcohol Technicians certified by Alcopro
Breath Alcohol Equipment
Alco-Sensor RBT VXL
Alcomonitor CC
Non-Regulated testing for Drugs of Abuse with Metox Labs
5 Panel Instant 5 Panel
7 Panel
10 Panel Instant 10 Panel
Healthcare Worker Panel