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Evergreen Newsletter

January 2021

Welcome Dr. Dauer!


Anca Dauer, DO

EFM Harvard

Dr. Dauer grew up on the East Coast after having been born and raised in Romania until the age of 6. As a young adult, she could usually be spotted chasing around a soccer ball or singing in choir. Besides her love for sports and music, Dr. Dauer caught a passion for international travel and medical mission trips at a young age and has since served across Central and South America, Asia, Africa, and The Middle East. In-between her travels, she squeezed in some time to obtain her medical degree from Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine in Blacksburg, Virginia. She then completed the In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program in Tulsa, Oklahoma before moving out to Roseburg, where she was excited to find a fun, like-minded group of people practicing full-spectrum Family Medicine. 

Her practice philosophy embraces whole person care, addressing the physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs of her patients. She is especially passionate about women’s health, lifestyle medicine, and pediatrics, and will always do her best to win each individual’s trust while educating, encouraging, and guiding them towards better health and wholeness.   


Outside of medicine Dr. Dauer and her husband enjoy playing hide-and-seek with their toddler, cooking international food, adventuring in the outdoors, and hosting game nights and small groups.

Women's Health

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Women's Health Blog- Exclusively Women.p

Check Out

Our Blog!

Evergreen Women's Health is now enrolling new patients. Our staff of OB/GYN/s and Midwives are here for you. We can't wait to help you through all of life's biggest moments. 

Get to know more about Evergreen Women's Health from one of our Nurse Midwives, Stacie Hanna. If you would like to see more content, check out our YouTube channel.

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"The culture of women's health has changed. Women are allowed to speak up about their needs. It is important that women never forget that they are allowed to feel strong in their choices."

- Stacie Hanna

Nurse Midwife

Now Hiring At Evergreen!

Interested in a career in Healthcare? Evergreen Family Medicine is recruiting qualified healthcare workers with a passion for providing the best possible care to our patients and community. Visit efm.bamboohr/jobs to see current openings and apply.

Oregon Health Plan (OHP)

Did you know that Evergreen Family Medicine is certified to

assist with the Oregon Health Plan (OHP)? Our trusted and

certified staff will assist you with enrollment forms and

health coverage navigation. These services are free to you! 

If you don’t qualify for health coverage through OHP,

Evergreen Family Medicine will work with you and connect

you to a local Agent in your area. Agents can enroll you in a

Qualified Health plan, tell you about financial assistance and

provide private plan advice.


What we do:


•   Assist with Oregon Health Plan enrollment - this includes helping you understand your 

    eligibility determination

•   Warm referrals to licensed Insurance Agents when you don’t qualify for OHP, help with                   reporting changes such as income change (OHP applicants have 30 days to report income             changes but this can vary), address change, name change, etc.

•   Client advocacy - free assistance on how to file an appeal or a complaint, how to work with           your Coordinated Care Organization and what to do when you are denied OHP and feel you           are eligible (your rights)

•   Offer Medicare contact resources (Aging People’s and Disability office, ADRC, SHIBA, etc.) 


•   Free connections to local community services/resources 


We Would Love Your Feedback

Billing Tips

Dear Evergreen Family Medicine Patients, we are so happy to be able to reach out and communicate on how we can work together to make sure that we are not only providing great care but excellent service with your billing.  Below are helpful tips that we hope will help accomplish this.


Call or go online with your insurance and ask the following:

1.)  Is my provider in network or out of network?

      This can change how the insurance pays on your claim.

2.)  Does my insurance require me to choose a PCP (Primary Care Physician)?

3.)  Do I have a Co-pay? How much? 

       This is usually a fixed amount you pay whenever you receive certain health care services or           get prescription drugs. Copays may apply before and after you hit your deductible. A copay             is different from coinsurance, which only applies after reaching your deductible and is the             percentage of your final bill that you pay.

4.)  What is my deductible?

      This is the amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts        to pay.

5.)  What services are considered preventative care?

       This is the care you receive to prevent illnesses or diseases.  These services are usually                     covered for free and include such things as screening and immunizations. 

6.)  Do I have a primary and a secondary insurance?

      Secondary Insurance is a health insurance plan that covers you in addition to your primary

      insurance plan. Typically, secondary insurance is billed when your primary insurance plan is

      exhausted and may help cover additional health care costs. For example, if you already have

      insurance through your employer and choose to enroll with your spouse’s health insurance            plan (if allowed), that coverage would become your secondary insurance. It is so important to        provide a copy of the insurance cards and clearly communicate which is primary and which is        secondary. Make sure that you instruct that card to be applied to all family members under          that plan. 


7.) COB Coordination of Benefits policies create a framework for two insurance companies, if              you have two, to work together to coordinate benefits so they pay their fair share. The                    primary plan pays its share of the costs first. Then, the secondary insurer may pay up to                  100% of the total cost of care, as long as, it's covered under the plans.  It is extremely                        important that you communicate to both plans and make sure they know about the other.  It        is also imperative that if you cancel or if there is a change that you communicate to the                  other plan.


8.) Billing your Insurance is a courtesy.  We accept assignment of benefits for primary and                    secondary insurance. It is your responsibility to provide our office with complete and                        accurate insurance or billing information at the time of service. Our office cannot guarantee          the amount that an insurance company will pay. Your insurance is a contract between you            and the insurance company.  We are not a party to this contract.  We do not                                          guarantee payment.

Social Media

Follow us on Social Media to keep up with what is happening here at Evergreen. We are on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram!  

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This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay.
Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
For more information, ask at the front desk or visit our website.
Thank you.


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