Amber Miller
DO, Pediatrician
Dr. Amber Miller is a board certified pediatrician returning to the Roseburg area after ten
years of living in Alaska. She is delighted to be back here with her three children and to the
warmth and sunshine of the Umpqua Valley. Dr. Miller took a few years off of clinical
practice to raise her children and is now ready to return to practice. During this time she
stayed current in pediatrics and maintained her Alaska state medical license and board
certification in pediatrics through the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) and the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Dr. Amber Miller grew up in Iowa and attended undergraduate school in Mankato,
Minnesota. She completed medical school in Des Moines, Iowa in 2002 and completed her
pediatric residency in Detroit, Michigan in 2005.
Dr. Amber Miller enjoys spending time with her children and beagle, and doing anything
outdoors. She particularly enjoys hiking, biking, camping, and skiing. She has a slight interest
in triathlons despite having a love hate relationship with running. She also enjoys shooting
guns but not particularly hunting, and loves fishing but prefers to release most of those
beautiful creatures back into their natural homes. She enjoys all kinds of board games and card
games and is always looking for someone who knows how to play euchre.
Dr. Amber Miller is excited about seeing patients again in Roseburg and exploring the
mountains and Oregon coast with her children.